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Israel's Messiah and the People of God

A Vision for Messianic Jewish Covenant Fidelity

ISBN-10: 1606088831

Published: January 7, 2011


Israel's Messiah and the People of God presents a rich and diverse selection of essays by theologian Mark Kinzer, whose work constitutes a pioneering step in Messianic Jewish theology. Including several pieces never before published, this collection illuminates Kinzer's thought on topics such as Oral Torah, Jewish prayer, eschatology, soteriology, and Messianic Jewish-Catholic dialogue. This volume offers the reader numerous portals into the vision of Messianic Judaism offered in Kinzer's Postmissionary Messianic Judaism (2005). An introductory essay by editor Jennifer M. Rosner sets Kinzer's thought and writings in context. 






Mark Kinzer is a 'break-through' thinker who has taken Messianic Judaism to a new level of theological sophistication. No one who cares deeply about the relationship between Judaism and Christianity can afford to ignore these essays.

Richard J. Mouw, Former President of Fuller Theological Seminary



This book is a welcome successor to Mark Kinzer's 2005 groundbreaking work, Postmissionary Messianic Judaism . . . It is the kind of theological inquiry that both the Jewish Roots movement and the Messianic Jewish movement are so greatly in need of. Jennifer Rosner's collaboration in this project is a promising sign that a new generation of Messianic Jewish scholars may be ready to accept the challenge.

Isaac Rottenberg, First Chairperson of the National Council of Churches Office on Christian-Jewish Relations



This is a significant book. Although it is a collection of articles and addresses, it has a far greater coherence than such collections normally possess. This coherence flows directly from the coherence of Mark Kinzer's life-project--to develop a form of Messianic Judaism that is authentically Jewish, and at the same time truly Messianic in the sense of fully recognizing the centrality of Jesus in God's purpose for Israel and for the world.

Monsignor Peter Hocken, Member of International Doctrinal Commission for Catholic Charismatic Renewal



Whether one welcomes the Messianic Jewish movement wholeheartedly, with reservations, or not at all, the increasing importance of its voice in contemporary theological discussion is certain. This collection of essays by Mark Kinzer demonstrates again why the issues raised by Messianic Judaism are so fundamental in nature, and why Kinzer himself is widely regarded as the movement's foremost theologian.

R. Kendall Soulen, Professor of Systematic Theology, Wesley Theological Seminary



In this book, Kinzer offers an interpretation of Salvation History that brings together the people of Israel, the person of Yeshua and the Yeshua-believing community, and opens a different perspective for understanding God’s redemptive work within the world.

Benjamin Burry, Reviews in Religion & Theology



This work is to be commended [...] for its enterprise of developing themes specifically significant to the Messianic Jewish movement and its relationship to Judaism and Christianity.

Josh Scott, Theological Book Review




Book Reviews


Based on the premise that the path of Messianic Judaism is never going to be easy, Mark Kinzer sets out to show that while many scholars think that Judaism and Christianity hold mutually exclusive theological claims, divided in the person of Yeshua, in actuality they each hold a component of redemption that is only revealed when the two are in fact united. . . . This is a fascinating set of essays which captures interest and inspires study.  Kinzer is not afraid to consider controversial topics, which he covers respectfully and with diligence. . . . The story for Messianic Jews (indeed for the whole Jewish Community) is most certainly not one of rejection, but rather one of continuity and fulfillment; indebted to its Jewish roots for its very existence as the covenantal people of God.

Benjamin Bury, John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

Mark S. Kinzer. . . is one of the leading voices in the post liberal dialogue between Christianity and Judaism in the last decades.  This book offers a broad introduction to Kinzer's thinking and presents a compilation of articles and lectures previously stated. . . . Messianic Jews should not un-Jew themselves.  On the contrary, Messianic Judaism should be defined throughout as Judaism, practiced in the light of Jesus the Messiah.  This is the main line of thought in Kinzer's present book. . . . It is all about covenant fidelity of Jews and Messianic Jews together, which makes the Church of Jews and gentiles into a body with two orientations. . . . I warmly recommend Israel's Messiah and the People of God and hope that it will critically stimulate discussion and dialogue between the many fractions of the people of God.

Henk Bakker, European Journal of Theology

Le Messie d'Israël et le Peuple de Dieu

Mark S. Kinzer est rabbin de la Congrégation Zera Avraham, à Ann Harbor dans le Michigan (U.S.), et Président émérite du Messianic Jewish Theological Institute. Il est l’auteur de Scrutant son prore mystère (Parole et Silence, 2016), préfacé par J.-M. Garrigues, o.p.
Le Messie d'Israël et le Peuple de Dieu:
Vision d’une fidélité Juive Messianique à l’Alliance

Mark S. Kinzer

Kinzer n’accepte pas l’idée que le judaïsme et le christianisme soient deux phénomènes complètement séparés, et soutient de manière convaincante que ce n’est pas ce que l’on constate dans le Nouveau Testament. Au contraire, les deux sont intimement et inextricablement liés l’un à l’autre et aux desseins rédempteurs de Dieu pour toute la création. 

La méthode transversale de Kinzer correspond à une double tâche: celle d’expliquer l’élément juif aux chrétiens et celle d’expliquer l’élément chrétien aux juifs. Dans la mise en œuvre de cette double représentation, le judaïsme messianique apparaît comme le lien essentiel, et la théologie de Kinzer adresse aux croyants juifs en Yeshoua un appel à assumer le rôle de bâtisseurs de ponts, qui leur a été existentiellement assigné. Le lien que Kinzer établit entre Israël, Yeshoua, et la communauté des croyants en Yeshoua (ou ekklesia) crée une interprétation riche et nuancée de l’histoire du Salut qui ouvre de nouvelles perspectives pour la compréhension de l’œuvre rédemptrice de Dieu dans le monde.


Date de parution
15 Novembre 2018

Nombre de pages
266 pages

15,2 x23,5

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